Why an Infinite Universe

7 min readDec 21, 2020

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This is one of those questions that cannot be answered by science alone. Because science does not care why there is a universe or no universe, science is only meant to study what is a universe and what is out there. However, the task of finding out why it is there falls on philosophers, thinkers, artists, poets, essayists and writers.

The best way to answer this question, from a non-scientific perspective, is to state that the universe is infinite because in a boundless universe there cannot be any void or nothingness. Simply put, we either have a universe or nothingness. As a cognitive species we have the ability to think. We are highly creative and have the vision to look beyond our physical environment. We have imagination and dreams. We are very tiny, yet, our ability to create, to think, to dream and to imagine are limitless. The universe is no different. It is remarkably similar to us on a massive scale. Creative thoughts, dreams and imagination are boundless. They also store energy and are capable of generating many forces including electro-magnetic. Once we have this universe in place, it would be logical to conclude that such a universe does not allow for any void to exist. By realizing that there are no other alternatives, we can conclude that the universe is existence. We are the best parallel universe to shed some lights about the infinite universe. Without going into many details, the universe is no different than us. We are compelled to survive. Not only as individual but also as a species. The universe is no different than us. It has no choice but to exist and struggle for survival. And, it does that in many ways. We have stated earlier that the universe is made of entropy. Entropy is not just about energy. It is also about thoughts, knowledge and information. The invisible infinite universe is not different than the visible one. It is alive, energetic, dynamic and active. Probably more so that the visible one. Our brain is home to trillions of neurons. The invisible universe must have something similar that we cannot detect at the present time. Neurons are a type of energy. The only difference between our neurons and that of the universe is simple. In our case, our neurons disappear once our brain dies. In the case of the universe those neurons will always be there. The universe never dies. Furthermore, there are evidence that our neurons do not die. It has been reported that one chess player kept playing chess with his partner long after his opponent died. Basically, the partner did not realize that the electronic computer was unplugged, yet it somehow managed to repeat the dead partner moves.

Our lives as human beings reflect what goes on in the mind of the universe. Whether we feel it or not, we are connected to the invisible universe in more than one way. Scientists, inventors, artists, and all of us as individuals happen to receive some sort of knowledge from the infinite universe that surrounds us. Think of it this way, galaxies and other celestial bodies are far from us. However, everything on earth shares many properties with the visible universe. The invisible universe is also living among us. It is even communicating with us. Sometimes in a subtle way, other times in a very clear and direct manifestation. We literally live in this infinite invisible cloud we call dark energy and dark matter. In fact, the entire visible universe is immersed in this brine of entropy. When an inventor looks at any visible matter, be it an atom, a huge ocean or multicolored cloud, he or she are connecting with the visible universe. However, when inventors come up with new inventions, when artists introduce new ideas, they are connecting with the invisible universe. As an inventor and as an artist I can attest to this interaction. The best way to prove this theory would be by enlisting the help of so many geniuses of history. Let us begin by Archimedes. How did this ancient scientist manage to come up with so many formula can only be explained by what I have suggested. Edison, is another good example. His imagination and creativity helped him patent thousands of inventions. On the literary front, it has been said that Shakespeare was able to write a play in a few days. Not just that, his plays were written in verses and had depth and poignancy that have not been matched by anyone to this date. His repertoire included close to sixty plays. He also collaborated on writing many plays. Scientists and mathematicians may contribute their genius to an acute problem-solving ability; however, artists must have some connection to other dimensions of our universe. Maurice Hilleman is another brilliant mind who single handedly was able to create over 40 vaccines. His achievements are hard to fathom considering that, during his time, it took several years before generating a single vaccine. Long before Hilleman, Faraday was able to invent and come up with new ideas and theories even after he was diagnosed with dementia. The connection with the invisible universe becomes more obvious with geniuses like Einstein and Tesla. They both introduced to humanity new ideas that no one else was aware of. For instance, Marconi invented the radio at the time when others were working on the same idea. Perhaps one of the most amazing examples about the connection to other universal dimensions would be Democritus. This Greek philosopher discovered the atom over 2500 years ago. His ideas were so advanced that it took scientists almost the same amount of years to understand what he was talking about. We can go on listing many achievements by many brilliant minds of history. However, I do believe that the above examples suffice to prove my point. The only other aspect of this connection would be by mentioning a few child prodigies. The most famous of them happened to be Mozart. According to reliable documents he was able to compose musical pieces at the age of five. Picasso started painting at age nine. And there are many more. Anyone interested can find out by googling prodigies in history. The aim of this essay is mostly to focus on how those children were able to achieve so much at such an early age. We can only solve this mystery by relying on our theory of entropy and the infinite universe. I am well aware of how difficult it is for many to accept this theory; however, I am convinced that many others may further this work to prove it. We must always look at the human mind whenever we are dealing with subjects as such. More so, when scientists are telling us that the mind does not belong to the brain or the body. To this day we do not know how exactly the human mind works. Yet, the evidence of how brilliant the human mind can be are all around us. To me the human mind is a spirit that allows an individual to achieve performances that are beyond the confinement of the body or the brain. We must always remember that despite our intelligence, we cannot think of everything. For instance, it took humanity millions of years to realize that we breath air. The credit goes to Antoine Lavoisier. He coined the word oxygen to name one of the elements we breath. He was also the first one to discover that water and air are compounds not elements.

As we come to accept the theory that the invisible universe must be made of entropy, we have no trouble supporting the theory of an infinite universe. Remember that thoughts and ideas are infinite. Since they are infinite, the energy they store and the information they record become infinite as well. This is why we have an infinite universe. The challenge with this theory is that no one has any clue about the shape of entropy. We know about atom, electron, photon, neutron, proton and many other particles or sub-particles, however, we know nothing about the shape of a single entropy. I am going to venture here by calling it an entropone. So, we can deduce that our universe is made up of an infinite number of universes that are similar to ours. We are unable to detect them because they are much farther for any present equipment to detect. This concept about an infinite universe is not easy to comprehend. Our mental capacity allows us only to deal with finite subjects. We are trained from an early age to think borders and dimensions. Nonetheless, we do know that infinity is there, just like with boundless measures, quantities and numerical numbers. Though, we cannot figure out how anything infinite may look like, we know it is there.

Next, we must conclude that the universe must be infinite, or it will not exist. In other words, a finite universe is a dead universe. The reason is simple: should the universe be surrounded by a vacuum of nothingness, there will be a good possibility for it to be destroyed either by a total collapse (the Big Crunch) or by a total fragmentation (the Big Rip).

Scientists and astrophysicists have been discussing these possibilities for centuries. Some of them believe that our universe would be coming to an end by a major contraction which would bring it back to the tiny ball that it was before the Big Bang (provided one was to believe in the Big Bang theory). Incidentally, according to their theory, this ball measured only a few centimeters in diameter. They refer to their theory as the “Big Crunch”. Others believe that at one point in time the universe would expand to such an extreme distance where it would be completely dissipated if not annihilated. Their theory is called the “Big Rip”.

